Becoming an eyelash extension educator

Becoming an eyelash extension educator

Becoming a lash educator - A questions and answers blog

What is a lash educator

A lash trainer or lash educator is, in simple terms, an instructor that teaches existing lash technicians to be lash educators of their own. It is an advanced course only for fully certified and qualified lash technicians who have been in the industry for at least 2 years. Experience in applying eyelash extensions is paramount, as this hands on experience is brought to the training room to teach other lash technicians.


Is there further training involved?

Becoming a lash educator is a bit of work and there is further training involved. Essentially, training to be an educator requires a course with some very important guidelines. Topics that are generally covered in a lash educator course may include insurance, health and safety, setting up a training room, hiring staff, learning material (video tutorials and physical manuals), additional equipment for the training room, and workplace responsibilities.


How easy or hard is the course?

The complexity of the lash trainer course will depending heavily on your level of industry knowledge and experience. The course does require you to create content for your course including your classic and volume lash manuals or online material. The educator course can be timely as supplies need to be sourced for your students, equipment needs to be purchased, your training room setup, and having learning material at industry standard and approved by your course educator.


What’s needed to be a lash trainer?

Basic equipment your lash room should be fitted with include; a lash bed, lash light, comfortable and ergonomic chair, extra supplies if necessary, rubbish bin for keeping your area tidy and safe, sterilising station for tweezers and other sensitive tools, a first aid kit.


Does Lash Boss Melbourne have an lash educator/trainer course?

Lash Boss Melbourne has helped many lash technicians become lash trainers and educators. We walk students through all the steps to obtain a lash trainers certification. We offer lifetime support for any of our courses, ensuring every student has the best opportunity to successfully learn and start their own business. Our courses have no expiry, so they can be done around your work and life commitments. We cover every aspect of lash training in detail and answer any questions.


To learn more about what our course includes and involves click here.

If you have any questions about becoming a lash educator, get in contact with us today