The difference between eyelash extension certification and accreditation

The difference between eyelash extension certification and accreditation

When you’re looking at the options for lash courses and training as a lash technician, you might be wondering what the best choice of training course is for you. Some lash courses offer certification, whilst others offer accreditation. So what’s the difference?

Certification in lash extensions means you’re given a certificate by the provider of your training. This is proof that you’ve successfully completed the eyelash extension training course. Gaining certification is an important step to getting into the lash industry.

Accreditation is slightly different. It means that a third party authority has independently assessed and endorsed your lash work. Whilst certification demonstrates that you know how to do something, accreditation proves that you’re doing it at a high and professional standard.

A course in the lash industry doesn’t need to be accredited, but it’s important that it gives you proper certification so that you can work professionally. Lash Boss Melbourne offers certification at a high standard, going over all aspects of lash extension applications, health and safety, running your own lash business, and offers free mentoring after you've completed your lash course.

If you’re interested in training with Lash Boss Melbourne, take a look through our courses to find one that's right for you.  To enrol into one of our lash courses it is as simple as adding it to your cart and purchasing your desired package. 

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